What are cookies?

Cookies are text data that is stored in your browser on the device you use to access this site. Some cookies are strictly required for this website to work properly. Generally, cookies can be used to speed up processing, for storing your preferences or for collecting data for analysing users.

Private data

For details about our policy pertaining to personal data, please access Privacy Policy.

What cookies are used?


These cookies are used to properly deliver the content and services of our website to the user.



PHP cookie that stores in a serialized form data pertaining to the user’s session.
Expires when the session ends (when the browser is closed)
Cookies settings

  • r_cks_cnsnt (30 days)
  • r_p_cks_cnsnt (1 day)
These cookies store your choice for using cookies.
The r_p_cks_cnsnt cookie is set only if you choose to postpone expressing a choice.

For personalised user experience (preferences)

Your preferred language

  • pll_language (1 year)
By default, the content of our website is displayed in Romanian language. When you select to view the content in another language from those available, a cookie is installed in your browser storing the language you selected.
Banner display

  • aBanner (30 days)
By default, you will be shown a banner at the top of pages with an option to dismiss it. When you close it, your preference is saved in a cookie.

What settings are available in the browser?

Use the links below to find out information for handling cookies in your browser (for the most popular browser providers).

Settings and features provided by browsers changes frequently and we will try to provide current information. Make sure you search for settings for your version.

This document was last updated on April 29, 2024.