About Us

With a technical team with over 30 years of experience, ABAC Proiect Energie is offering complete services in the field of electrical installations: indoor installations, connections, transformer substations, power lines and substations, photovoltaic power plants and electric car charging stations.

Credentials & certificates

ABAC Proiect Energie is a company with competence in providing design, execution and laboratory testing services in the field of electrical installations. We hold ANRE (type C1A, C2A and A) and ISC certificates.

Our environmental management and occupational health and safety management systems are certified according to SR EN ISO 9001:2015, SR EN ISO 14001:2015 and SR ISO 45001:2015.

We are hiring!

ABAC Proiect Energie is hiring! We hire and train young electricians as well as unskilled workers.

If you are interested, please contact us.


ABAC Proiect Energie is installing charging stations for electric vehicles, of any power, in partnership with TMC Electric Mobility.

In recent years ABAC Proiect Energie has installed photovoltaic panel systems for individuals and legal entities in the amount of over 700KWp, from 3 to 200kWp.